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PT. Avida Aviaduta Indonesian Manpower Agency

In the third millennium era there has been a change  in the international trade and service system, which is referred to a globalization era, where the world market is wide open. However, the competition is tougher than before.

PT. Avida Aviaduta, whose activities are based on the human resources empowerment (recruitment agency), is obligated to be able to provide maximal service to respond to the foregoing challenge. One of the efforts, which have been made since the establishment of the company in the 1989, is to meet the target of the quality of manpower that will be recruited.

Therefore, the provision of adequate facilities
and infrastructure and the aspect of professional management that is incorporated in the Human Resources Development, Manpower Planning, and Training & Development programs is some of the things that have always been conducted to reach success so far. And we thank to God that in the end we have become one of the established companies in this field and we have been able to give maximal satisfaction to our clients.

Currently, in the framework of business development, PT. Avida Aviaduta has support the main activities, namely Avida Medical Centre, Rayantour and Avida Training Centre (Balai Latihan Kerja Avida). Therefore PT. Avida Aviaduta has the complete mechanism that supports the fulfilment of the requirements for the provision of qualified, educated and fully protected manpower.

Finally we hope that this company profile can give a comprehensive description of our company to the prospective partners/clients. And we hope that the cooperation that has been developed so far can be developed further for our mutual success.

Our Vision

To become the leading company in developing the potential of human resources to obtain extensive employment opportunities overseas, and capable of providing significant contribution in the competition of international employment agencies to provide manpower to achieve
welfare and prosperity.

Our Mission

To place qualified and educated manpower and to obtain total protection through the organization of the business management program which is managed professionally and independently, which is based on:

  • Selective recruitment system.
  • The organization of a training Centre
    equipped with complete equipment
    and highly qualified instructors.
  • The establishment of a medical Centre
    with sophisticated equipment and
    professional medical staff.

Avida Group Service

Rayan Tour

Commisioner : Rusjdi Bahasuan
President Director : Ridho Hasan SH
Address : Jl Jatinegara Timur IV no.9B, Jakarta 13310 Indonesia
Phone : 62 21 -851 4141 (Hunting)
Fax : 62 21 859 09380
Email : rayantour@cbn.net.id
Member of : AMPUH, IATA, ASITA


  • Umroh & Hajj Plus
  • Domestic – International Hotel Reservation
  • Transportation services
  • Domestic – International ticketing
  • Legal documents for travel
  • Tourism Service for Domestic & International
Avida Training Center

Avida Training Center is the place to process workers who will be sent abroad. At the Center the workers are processed through several stages, starting from the registration selection, medical screening, and mental preparation to work overseas, as well as additional knowledge and skills training in accordance with expertise/skill of each prospective worker.

Avida Training Center which has a total area of 10 hectares has been equipped with a building which can accommodate 2.000 prospective workers. The training laboratory is equipped with visual aids, multimedia system and managed by professional instructors who are ready to provide adequate training.

Avida Medical Center

In this modern era one’s health is determined by many factors in addition to hereditary factor.

Medical care factor, by conducting regular medical check up, is required urgently. The awareness of the importances of medical care has started to increase in the community, especially in Indonesia. In order to respond to the increasing community awareness of the medical care, which also means the increasing need of the existence of a really representative health agency, Avida Medical Center was established on August 21, 2001.

Avida Medical Center came into existence supported by sophisticated health equipment and qualified medical personnel in order to be able to render service in conformity with the clients requirements, such as various types of medical check-up, ranging from the standard medical
check up to special medical check up, such as the medical check up for Indonesian workers who will be sent to other countries.

Services :

  • Standard Medical Check-Up
  • Medical Check-Up for Employees
  • Medical Check-Up for Hajj & Umroh
  • Medical Check-Up for pre Marriage
  • Medical Check-Up for HIV/AIDS infection Screening

PT. Avida Aviaduta has succeeded in developing facilities and also its physical capacities, that is by establishing a number of branch offices, as well as its commercial activities.

Currently the company can accommodate and provide job trainings to approximately 2.100 Indonesian workers per month through its three branch offices and its head office located in Jakarta and also the other branch offices which are spread all over Indonesia.

The company has also established a hospital, the program of the hospital establishment is aimed at educating/training prospective professional nurses who will be sent to several hospitals in some European and Middle East countries, and a travel agency to support all of its main activities.


Goals and Target

PT. Avida Aviaduta is making an effort to penetrate new market in Europe and Japan, and is doing its best to provide all requirements
supporting it to be able to compete on said market, especially in the field of health and industry.

Currently the company building a hospital with capacities of 150 beds plus one clinic/health laboratory.

The company continues to develop facilities and its capacities, so that by the end of the 2003 the company can accommodate up to 3.500 Indonesian workers per month.





Human Resource Development Manpower Planning Training & Development

Head Office :

Training Centre :

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